Monday, June 29, 2009

2 month checkup

Today was Kenzie's two month checkup. I was so curious to see how much she weighed since it seems like she just doesn't get any bigger. I guess it's because I see her everyday. At her one month visit, she was only 8 pounds. Well, my little chunky monkey tipped the scales today at 10 pounds 1 ounce and 22 1/2 inches long. She's getting so big! I still laugh when I think that there are babies that are actually born weighing what she does now (or more!).

Doctor said she's doing great and has hit all of her developmental milestones (plus some in the 4 month category). Then the shots. She gets sooo mad. I held her at her one month visit while she got them and the look she gave me killed me. This time I stood where she couldn't see me and let the nurse give her the shots and then I came over and swooped her up and gave her loving. She cried so much less this time than the last. I was so glad that they have made the vaccines combinations so they have less pokes. Austin got five needles at his two month visit and it was awful. Lucky for Kenzie, she only got two needles and one oral vaccine.

She has been sleeping ever since and is running a low fever but she is my little champ. Austin was in the room with us when she got her shots and I think it gave him a new appreciation for her. He was so concerned about her when she was crying and immediately wanted to console her. He is going to be such a great big brother. Probably a little overprotective, which I'm sure will drive her nuts, but I think they'll actually be pretty close. I feel like such a lucky mommy.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Haz mat!

After years of working with Haz Mat, the experience has paid off! Charles was one of two fire fighters the City sponsored through CSTI's Haz Mat Tech A-D. Once completed, he will most likely take up residence in the City's only Haz Mat station, Station 44. While it means leaving his crew that he loves, every step is a step ahead. This makes him much more valuable to the Department and right now, that's never a bad thing. We're all so excited!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Having a Little Sister by Austin Lacey

Today is Austin's last day of school (1st grade) and he came home with a backpack full of work he had done at school the last couple weeks. I read through most of it when I pulled out a paper he had written last week. So sweet I had to share.

Having a Little Sister by Austin Lacey

I like having a little sister. Her name is McKenzie and she is seven weeks old. She can smile now. She can poop and pee now. She sleeps a lot. She cries from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. I love my little sister.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Our newest addition

After many years of trying for a little brother or sister for Austin, we got pregnant and were due April 25th. We chose to not find out the sex of the baby ahead of time, which was very difficult to explain to family and friends.

After months of anticipation, we arrived at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women for my scheduled c-section on April 21st. The whole experience was very undramatic compared to the very difficult and stressful delivery with Austin. I was checked in, monitored for about a half hour, got my IV set up, and waited for a free OR. We went back around 5pm and baby came at 5:53pm. Even the doctors and nurses in the OR were excited to see the sex of the baby after finding out that it was still a suprise to us. My doctor let Charles announce the sex to me and I will never forget the look on his face when he looked down at me and said "It's a little girl!" (I was SURE it was going to be a boy- guess mother's intuition isn't always right.)

Our little bitty arrived on April 21st at 5:53pm weighing a whopping 6 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches long with APGARs of 8 and 9. Even better, the nurses were able to sneak Austin back to the nursery while I was getting stitched up and he was the first, other than Daddy, to see her. He then got to go back to the waiting room and announce to all the family the sex and her stats. Everyone was shocked that it was a girl! After she was here, Austin confided to me that he "really wanted a sister" even though he wouldn't have been upset if it was a boy. Sometimes he just melts my heart.

After raising a boy for the past 6 years, we could not be more happy and excited to start this new journey. Austin is a fantastic big brother and helps wherever he can (sometimes too much so!) I am (so far) enjoying the age gap between the two since Austin is such a grown up kid and able to do so much that it takes a lot of the pressure off me going from one child to two. All in all, I am a very happy mommy right now. :)